About the Board

About the Board of Directors:
Directors of the Oxford Winds Community Concert Band are elected for a two year term at our Annual General Meeting held each summer. They support the band by taking care of all the behind the scenes activities that are involved with running a successful performance ensemble. The Board is responsible for organizing concerts (ticket sales, refreshments, etc.), social events, uniforms, advertising, equipment transportation, scheduling, fundraising, recruiting new members and much more!

Our Board of Directors can always use help on our many committees that keep the band running smoothly. If you have a special talent or are interested in supporting the Oxford Winds, please email info@oxfordwinds.ca today!

Board of Directors:
Eugena Riehl – President
Eugena Riehl is the founder of the Oxford Winds Community Concert Band and the Oxford Breeze Community Novice Band where she served as music director for the first 10 years. She has a PhD in Music Theory and a MMus in Flute Performance from the University at Buffalo. With more than 40 years of experience, she currently teaches music in her private studio in Woodstock, is a member of the Royal College of Examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music and adjudicates music festivals across Canada as a band specialist

Kent Boniface – Vice President
Kent first began playing in the Oxford Winds in 2007, before taking a hiatus to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Guelph. A musician since a young age, Kent achieved his ARCT diploma in piano performance in 2010, and has played trombone for bands in both Ontario and Alberta. Having now moved back to Ontario, he’s very excited to be playing with the Oxford Winds!

Jamie Fralick – Treasurer
Jamie joined the Oxford Winds in 2018, following his wife Reta, who joined in 2017. They both played clarinet in Toronto in the 1970’s, playing in the North York Concert Band. In fact, that is how they met and eventually wed. Jamie is looking to recapture the tremendous sense of individual and group accomplishment playing in a band brings, trying to remaster an old passion from years past (shake the rust off) and have a ton of fun doing it.

Kristy Foss – Member
Kristy enjoyed music in her youth and played saxophone in band and sang in school choirs.  Although she gave up music when she entered University (a decision she later regretted), her interest in band and orchestral music was renewed once her children began playing instruments.  Kristy’s two boys play trumpet, piano and flute, and it was their music teacher, Eugena Riehl, who introduced the family to the Oxford Winds.  Kristy is excited by the opportunities and benefits that this band provides; it surrounds her children with a vibrant musical community and makes the joy and rewards of learning an instrument accessible to all who wish to pursue it.

Abby Armstrong – Member
Abby Armstrong became involved with the Oxford Winds in 2013. She has been playing the tenor saxophone for 11 years and is very excited to join the band again after taking a break to earn her BMOS Accounting degree from Western University. Abby is now a tax accountant at a public accounting firm in Woodstock.

Darla Manship – Member
Darla was introduced to Oxford Winds by band member Teresa Sissing. Darla loves listening to music and was asked by Elisha Kroeker to consider becoming a member at large on the board. She looks forward to getting more involved with the community and hearing some great music at the same time! She is married, has 3 children and teaches Core French at Northdale PS in Woodstock.